EZScreen Loyalty Rewards Program
Start earning rewards by shopping with us exclusively on our website! Earn rewards in other ways by referring your friends and family, or following us on social media.
$1 spent = 1 ez point (not including tax or shipping)
Creating a rewards account = 10 ez points
Rewards member birthday = 10 ez points
Referring friends = 10 ez points and 10% discount for each friend
Liking us on FaceBook = 10 ez points
Following us on Instagram = 10 ez points
Sharing our site on FaceBook = 10 ez points
Sharing our site on Twitter = 10 ez points
Contact us if you suggest other ways to earn rewards points!
250 ez points = Save $5 off your order
400 ez points = Save $8 off your order
500 ez points = Save $10 off your order
750 ez points = Save $20 off your order
1,000 ez points = 20% OFF coupon
To redeem points, a coupon code will be e-mailed as a one time use offer and points will be deducted from rewards account. To redeem points with another offer, please contact us to adjust your order.